Now playing:
Program Notes from Fall
Series this quarter:

Raoul Walsh: Adventures in Filmaking
Monday at 7PM
Programmed by: Jack Miller

Love Torn in a Dream: The Illusory Odysseys of Raúl Ruiz
Wednesday at 7PM
Programmed by: Alexander Fee

Peasants of the Cinema: António Reis & Margarida Cordeiro
Wednesday at 7PM
Programmed by: Edward McCarry, Graham Carter of The Theater of the Matters

The “Martial” Arts
Thursday at 7PM
Programmed by: Cyrus Westerlund

Lust & Intrigue: Erotic Thrillers
Thursday at 9:30PM
Programmed by: Brian McKendry and Olivia Hunter Willke

Inner Voyages
Friday at 7PM
Programmed by: Olivia Lai

Back and Forth, Around and Around: Michael Snow on 16mm
Sunday at 7PM
Programmed by: Joshua Wagner, Oliver Hunter Willke